Ghazipur: DM-SP inspects hotspot, gives necessary instructions

April 21, 2020

Ghazipur News Team, Ghazipur. The outbreak of the pandemic of Kovid-19 (Corona virus) has led to a lock-down situation across the country. District Magistrate Om Prakash Arya, Superintendent of Police Dr. Om Prakash Singh, Chief Development Officer Sriprakash Gupta, Sub Divisional Officer Sevarai visited the hot spot identified in the Dildarnagar area on Tuesday and took stock of the arrangements and sprayed the hot spot places with a sanitizer.

He told that till 03 May 2020 the lock down will remain in effect and home delivery of ration, milk, fruits, vegetables and medicines will be permissible in these areas and no shops will be opened in the hot spot area.

He appealed to the people to stay in the houses following the lock down. He said that if there is a need to get out under special circumstances, then leave wearing a mask. Keep cleanliness Follow social distance. Subsequently, the District Magistrate inquired about the families without maintenance in Bhadora market under Tehsil Sevarai.
In order to prevent such families from becoming hungry in the lock-down, the District Magistrate distributed relief material and masks to those families. In which 10 kg flour, 10 kg rice, five kg potato, one kg sugar, one kg salt, two kg spices, 100 grams spices, 100 grams turmeric were distributed and appealed to the family members to remain indoors. Along with this, the District Magistrate asked the children of those families to distribute the biscuits, toffee and masks and stay in the houses and follow the lock down.

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