There are more than 10 thousand children of India studying in Kyrgyzstan. Many of these children are trapped there after the lockdown. According to the rules implemented in the lockdown in Kyrgyzstan, every foreigner should have a passport when exiting.
No one can leave without a passport. Passports of many students are stored in the college, in which they have not been able to leave their rooms for the last nearly 70 days. They are getting their work done with the help of local students.
The lockdown was imposed on 21 March in Kyrgyzstan. Although now largely removed, the police are still checking passports and other things when they go out, which is why these children have been imprisoned in a room for more than two months.
Thousands of students from Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, UP and many other states of the country are stranded in Kyrgyzstan. Already since the lockdown in Kyrgyzstan, these people are trying to come to India, but have not been able to come yet.
Some students have returned under the Vande Bharat Mission, some have their flight schedules but there are many who remain confused about their return.
Students say that, here we cannot go anywhere without passport. Passports of many students are deposited in the college, they cannot even leave.
If you go out, where you are going, the complete route, whom you are meeting, when you will come, you have to make note of this information, so no one goes out.
The temperature is lower in Kyrgyzstan. Earlier hot water used to come from the taps, which has stopped coming now. If you heat the house, the bill comes too much.
Many are about to run out of ration and cannot even buy that much money. There are many such problems.
Read the story of these students, their words.
Students of MP: when the bank canceled the loan, the college deposited the passport
Marian Das of Hatpipalia, a small town in MP, has been stuck in Kyrgyzstan for the last 5 months. Marion was studying MBBS from the Asian Medical Institute in Kant, Kyrgyzstan. His first year had been completed. She then returned to India on leave and returned to Kyrgyzstan on 24 September.
Marion has been stuck in Kyrgyzstan for the last 5 months.
Despite the promise, the bank did not give them an education loan, so they could not deposit the fees for the third semester.
Due to non-payment of fees, the college refused to give him admission in hostels and confiscated his passport and visa.
In December-January, when all of Marion's friends were shifted to the hostel, she lived in another flat. Meanwhile, a lockdown took place and problems of eating and drinking also started.
Indian food first ended in Kyrgyzstan, says Marian. We had added some money to each other and stocked it with him as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, she kept trying to get her passport and visa but she could not get help from anywhere.
In the meantime, says Marian, I was stopped from giving exams. Throughout the day, she would talk to her mother and father on the Watts app.
They too were constantly trying to get me out of there, but nothing was happening.
Last week, after a lot of efforts, I got the passport and visa with the help of Indore MLA Ramesh Mendola. He spoke at the Indian Embassy, then after the Embassy intervened, the college gave him a visa-passport. She is treated very badly by college people, says Marion. Threatened and even abused.
Marion reported that, the college staff misbehaved with him.
I was forced to write to the notary that if I do not pay the fees, the college can take any legal action against me.
Marion paid the full fee for the first year. But due to non-loan approval, she was not able to pay the fees for the third semester.
According to Marian's mother Reena Das, the bank had earlier given a loan to give the loan, so we sent the girl to Kyrgyzstan but after she reached there, the bank refused to give the loan.
We paid his first year fees with great difficulty. But in the second year it was not possible to do so without the help of the bank. If the bank had already refused to give the loan, we would not have sent the girl out.
According to Marion there are a lot of Indians. Everyone knows each other, so they helped in these difficult times.
Otherwise the college had left for Tomara. They do not mean anything to children living outside the hostels. No children's freak. Now 179 children stranded here will leave for their country on 21 June by special flight.
Deepak Anjana, studying MBBS from the International Institute of Medicine in Kyrgyzstan's capital, Bishkek, is also among the returning students on 21 June. Deepak told that we had started 'Mission MP' to get out of here. A group of all the students of MP was formed on WhatsApp. It was through this group that the government made pressure to send flights.
Deepak says that this embassy's negligence also led to some major problems. Like Bihar a girl was admitted in the hospital but despite being a medical emergency, she was not sent to India from the first flight. He died on 1 June.
Deepak says, we could not get out of our flat for almost two months.
According to Deepak, there are about 10-15 thousand students of India in Kyrgyzstan. Most of the exams have been held in May. Now how come everyone wants to reach home. Some exams will be online later.
Raghuraj Singh, who lives with Deepak, has completed his fifth semester. The lockdown, he said, lasted from 21 March to 10 May.
In lockdown, we had to carry passport and route charge with us. The route charge had to tell the police where they were going and at what time they would return. Had to show passport.
Passports of many students are stored in the college, so they could not go out. Students who were in hostels could not get out even once in the entire lockdown.
If everything goes well, we will come here again in September. It became expensive here after the lockdown, says Raghuraj. Due to this also, problems were faced.
Rajasthan: We are stuck, our name is not in the flight that is going on now ...
Tushar Jain of Rajasthan is also stranded in Kyrgyzstan. He told that, so far, no way has been made for our departure from here.
We are constantly in touch with Indian Embassy. I have mailed myself several times but have not received any reply yet. We also spoke to the Chittor MP but nothing happened. Although the lockdown has been lifted now, there is no problem, but there are many students whose examinations have taken place.
My final year was completed. Now how ever we want to reach home as soon as possible. My name is not in the flight that is going on now.
Students of UP: When they get out, they have to tell the police where and why they are going, when they will return.
UP's Kapil Yadav told that, has been trying to go since March but nothing has been done yet. Kapil says, now hot water is not coming here. First, hot water came from one tap and colder than the other.
Kapil said that there was no flight schedule for UP.
The temperature is 18 to 20 degrees. There is a habit of using hot water. If you do it at home, then the bill comes a lot. If you go to take the food items too, you have to keep the passport with you and a lot of inquiries are made. Can not get out anywhere. Get out then the police have to tell where they are going, who they are going to meet and when they will return. A passport has to be kept along with it. Therefore, no one comes out. All are cutting flat all day. We are 800-900 students from UP. Now somehow want to get out of here. Many people have moved to Stress due to living in one place continuously. We also spoke to MP VK Singh but could not get any help. He said flights could begin by July.
Students of Chhattisgarh: MLA's son also studies with us, still did not help
Kosar Alam of Chhattisgarh has also not been named in the list yet. Kosar told that about 500 students of Chhattisgarh are here, who are unable to leave.
The housemates are very upset, says Kosar. Now how to get out of here.
We were trying to get out before the lockdown took place, but no one helped. The son of an MLA also studies with us, he also talks through it, but so far no one has tried to expel us. Kosar says, he is trapped in a room here. Exams were done. Family members are worried. feeling homesick. How to get out as soon as possible.
Many have written letters but the flight schedule is not yet done.
About 800 students from Jammu and Kashmir are also stranded in Kargistan. Former CMMer Abdullah said about this by tweeting there.
I've been confidential by parents on behalf of about 800 Kashmiris stuck in Bishkek & Osh cities of Kyrgyzstan. The students have been stuck there for months & are desperate to come home. E-Hope @fnoindia , @naaindia & @HardeepSPuri Repatriate Them Under #VandeBharathMission K
The embassy said- Do not take a loan with a passport, a notice has also been issued by the Indian embassy in Bishkek, Kurgistan on the Indian passport.
Notice issued by the Embassy of India.
It said that some Indian students are taking loans from other students by depositing their passports with them. Some foreigners are also doing this by depositing passports. This is completely illegal as the Indian passport is the property of the Government of India. When someone is found doing so, the embassy has spoken of taking strict action against him.