Corona infection found in nine months pregnant, admitted to ESIC hospital

May 06, 2020

Faridabad: For the seventh consecutive day in the district, the total number of corona positive patients has increased to 76. On Tuesday, the Department of Health confirmed a corona infection in a pregnant 33-year-old resident of Greenfield. After this, he has been admitted to ESIC Medical College located at NIT-3 number. According to the health department, the corona victim is 9 months pregnant and her delivery date is near. In this case, arrangements are also being made by the department to ensure its safe delivery.

According to the Health Department, this woman living in Greenfield Colony is 9 months pregnant. He is being treated in a private hospital in Delhi. His delivery date there has been set for 7 May. In the said private hospital, it was said that the operation will be delivered. Therefore, samples were taken for the corona test from there. His report came back positive on Tuesday. However, the officials also say that the corona virus symptoms are not visible in the woman. Despite this, on the basis of the report of the private lab, he has been admitted to ESIC Medical College as a precautionary measure. Also, arrangements are being made to get it delivered.

According to Dr. Rambhagat, Deputy CMO , 43 out of 76 corona patients , a patient was cured on Tuesday when a new case came up. Currently, 43 out of a total of 76 patients in the district have recovered and gone home. At present, 31 patients are undergoing treatment at ESIC Medical College. All of them are in stable condition. It is expected that in a day or two, more patients will also be discharged from the hospital when the second report comes negative.

Elderly Corona, suffering from several diseases, won the battle

A 75-year-old elderly man from the Chawla Colony arrived home recovering from Corona. He is already suffering from kidney, diabetes, blood pressure etc. She was declared corona positive on 30 April and admitted to ESIC Medical College and Hospital located at NIT-3 number. According to the health department officials, after his two samples came negative, he was discharged from the hospital.

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