Malaria breakthrough as scientists find microbe that can stop mosquitoes from spreading disease

May 07, 2020

New Delhi: Scientists have discovered microorganisms (microbes) found in the reproductive organs of mosquitoes that protect them from being carriers of malaria. Researchers say that this microbe is found as an infection in mosquitoes found on the shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya, and prevents mosquitoes from spreading malaria. This discovery has been done by Glasgow University of America and the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology of Kenya.

Microorganism name microsporidia M.B.

Researchers have given the microorganism Comicrosporidia mbname to prevent malaria from occurring in mosquitoes. It increases the immunity of the mosquito by strengthening its immunity and its ability to fight the malaria parasite. According to the researcher Dr. Jereme Herren, the data we have shows that these microorganisms prevent up to 100 percent of the malaria parasite Plasmodium in mosquitoes. In this way, he is not able to become a carrier of Plasmodium causing malaria.

Mosquitoes are also infected

Research revealed that microsporidia microorganisms are very similar to fungi. It is found in one out of every 20 mosquitoes. Once the microsporidia microorganism is produced in the mosquito, it lasts for a lifetime, so protection against malaria also lasts forever. Up to 40 percent of mosquitoes from any region can be infected with this microorganism.

Mosquito infection investigation continues

According to research published in Nature Communications, researchers are trying to find out why such a large number of mosquitoes are getting infected with microsporidia microbes. Every year 4 lakh people die from malaria, the highest number of children below 5 years of age. In Africa alone it causes 2.50 lakh deaths every year.

Microorganism vs Parasite Combat

Glasgow University researcher Prof. Steven Simkins says that this new discovery, we are very excited about this microorganism's ability to stop malaria. Research has revealed many information and with the help of these, it will be interesting to see the microorganism causing malaria in the coming days to compete with the microbe that prevents it.

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