Question raised on government statistics, Corona's health bulletin removed column of deaths in hospitals

May 15, 2020
Question raised on government statistics, Corona's health

Questions have been arising over the last few days on the death toll from the hospital and corona announced by the government in the capital Delhi. The government has figured out a way to avoid questioning the hospital and the government's separate figures. The Health Bulletin has removed data on deaths in hospitals. A major change was seen in the Delhi Government Health Bulletin released on Thursday. This was not the death toll in hospitals, removed from the bulletin.

Total deaths were reported in the bulletin but it was not told how many deaths occurred in which hospital, while the report till Wednesday had this information. Deleting information about death in hospitals will make it a little harder to question the death toll. The Delhi government informed the data till 12 pm on Wednesday. According to the bulletin, the total death toll from Corona has risen to 115. There are 9 more deaths on Thursday than Wednesday's report. This death has been declared by the Audit Committee. However, there was no death from Corona in 24 hours.

According to the Health Bulletin, corona cases have increased to 8470. In the last 24 hours, 472 corona positive patients were confirmed. This is the highest number ever. Earlier on May 7, 448 patients were identified in 24 hours. At the same time, 187 patients recovered and went to their home in 24 hours. The figure for those who recover has also increased to 3045. Corona's active patients are 5310. According to the bulletin, there are 1607 patients admitted to hospitals. It has 145 ICUs and 121 ventilators. Max, Saket has the highest number of 32 patients in ICU. AIIMS has the maximum number of 16 patients on the ventilator. As of Wednesday, the government had reported 106 deaths. Of these, 86 deaths occurred in Kovid hospitals, while 20 deaths occurred in other hospitals.

4 Employees working in RML doctors mess positive

Four employees working at the doctor mess of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital of the central government have been found to be Corona positive. All of these employees have mild symptoms and are placed in isolation. Earlier 22 health workers of the hospital have also been affected by Corona infection. Two of the first infected doctors have returned to work after recovering. 16 other employees who come in contact with the employees have been marked and quarantined.

^Till now the government was giving details of death from corona in hospitals, the number of deaths started coming up when the Delhi government removed the name of the hospitals from the column of death report. The government should give the correct figures of deaths from corona in all hospitals, so that the public can learn from the corona deaths and avoid exposure to epidemic infections.

- Manoj Tiwari, State President, BJP

^ Kejriwal tell that the Delhi Government had taken Corona's suggestion to the public, did the people of Delhi suggested that the name of the hospital be removed from the death toll from Corona? The Kejriwal government is constantly lying to the people of Delhi on the matters of Maitha, constantly hiding the death toll.

- Anil Chaudhary, State President, Congress

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