US: Trump admits ‘there will be some’ deaths as country reopens, still refuses to wear mask

May 06, 2020
Washington. US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he was looking at reopening the country's economy. He told ABC News that people in the country are losing their jobs. We have to bring it back. When asked about providing relief in social distancing, he said that it is necessary to bring the economy back on track. We are in the second phase of the fight with Corona. The level of infection has decreased. It is safe time to open the economy in a phased manner. However, the number of deaths may increase as the economy opens. 
Trump arrived on Tuesday to visit the mask-making factory Hannivel for the first time since the country's restrictions. On reaching here, he refused to put on a mask. When asked about this, Trump said he would wear it when needed. However, he praised the work of factory workers. The Hannivel factory manufactures N-95 masks for doctors and health workers treating Corona.

White House to end corona task force

Trump said they would abolish the White House Corona Task Force. An economy opening group will be formed in its place. He said Vice President Mike Pence and the task force have done a great job as far as the task force is concerned. Now we are looking a little differently. For the safe opening of the economy, we have to form a separate group. Dr. Deborah Bricks and Dr. Antony Fossey, who are in the task force, will continue to work in the case related to Corona. Other specialist doctors will also continue to provide their services.

Trump has expressed reservations about wearing masks before

Trump has previously objected to wearing masks. On April 5, the Disease Control Center appealed to people to wear masks. Trump then said that the CDC had only suggested the mask. It will be voluntary for everyone. You may or may not do this. I meet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings and queens. In such a situation, I do not think wearing a mask.

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