Robert Downey Jr. Criticized For His Ironic Use of Blackface in ‘Tropic Thunder’

May 01, 2020
Robert Downey Jr. is confronting backfire today for a parody job he played longer than 10 years prior. The entertainer has experienced harsh criticism on Twitter from clients who have as of late found his job in Ben Stiller's 2008 parody Tropic Thunder… yet didn't appear to do their examination before condemning the film. 
Tropic Thunder, composed by Ben Stiller, Justin Theroux, and Etan Cohen, is one of the more vital comedies of the century so far for the manner in which it feigned exacerbation at the more self important and vain natives of  Hollywood, as depicted in the film by Stiller and Robert Downey Jr. The film rotates around the creation of a Vietnam War film, with Downey Jr. playing Kirk Lazarus, an Australian entertainer who is so dedicated to Method acting that he gets "pigmentation modification" medical procedure so as to truly depict a Black sergeant. 
Today, however, a Twitter horde that didn't perceive the ironical tone of Tropic Thunder bounced to blame Downey Jr. of deliberately and non-amusingly obscuring his skin in the film. 
"Recollect that time Robert Downey jr did full blackface and no one said ANYTHING," tweeted one client, with others heaping on to scrutinize Downey Jr. for the job and question why he never apologized. 
There was quick reaction to the tweets from Tropic Thunder fans, who safeguarded Downey Jr. also, reminded pundits about the story behind the character he played. "I see we're at that enchanted season again when somebody on here obviously doesn't comprehend the jokes in Tropic Thunder, so now we as a whole need to remove time from our day to disclose it to them. Try not to stress, we would all be able to get past it together," one client tweeted. 
Downey Jr. has shielded the job beforehand, telling Joe Rogan on his web recording this year why he decided to play Kirk Lazarus. Per Indie Wire: "I [got] to hold up to nature the crazy self-included bad faith of craftsmen and what they believe they're permitted to do now and again, simply my conclusion," he said. "What's more, 90 percent of my Black companions resembled, 'Man, that was incredible.' I can't differ with [the other 10 for every cent], except I know where my heart lies… with all due respect.
See the controversy for yourself below:

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