In the US, 47% of employees are working without pants during work from home, 48% of men and 30% of women do not comb hair in video conferencing

May 07, 2020

Research Desk. The culture of 'work from home' (work from home) has increased rapidly in the world due to the corona epidemic. Recently ABC Channel's female reporter Will Reeve was seen anchoring without pants in 'Good Morning America'. Then there was a debate on whether the employees have become casual while working from home? Or is their approach non-formal?
An online survey by London-based international research data and analytics institution UGVO (YOUGOV) involved 1327 adults (over the age of 18) of Americans. According to the survey, while working from home in the US, 47% of employees prefer to work without pants. Similarly during video conferencing 48% of men do not even correct their hair. 3 times as many men as women are working from home without pants, socks or shoes. Read, the highlights of the survey ...

Only 53% admitted that they wear pajamas while working from home

7% of the people in the survey said that they never wear shoes while working from home. Three times as many men (9%) than women (3%) admitted that they do not wear pants, socks, shoes, while working from home. Similarly, 5 percent say they rarely wear pants while working from home, 12 percent say they wear pants occasionally. Only 53 percent admitted that they wear pajamas while working from home.

54% said - they comb hair before video conferencing

The survey found that 54% of employees who discuss with their colleagues through video conferencing from home say they comb their hair before the video conference. 51% believe that they usually wash their face before a video call. Similarly 49% of employees considered that they brush teeth before starting video conferencing.

39% said- they wear formal dress even when working from home

In the survey, 39 percent of the employees admitted that they wear good clothes (formal dress) even while working from home. Similarly 29% admitted that they set up their laptops during video conferencing so that the underside of the waist is not visible. Similarly 37% admitted that they are doing regular shaving. When women were asked if they would make their hair before the video conference, 70% said that yes they start video conferencing by combing the hair.

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